wheres the best online pharmacy to get cheap perscriptions filled
and a place where there is a doctor online too to make sure they have everything they need to fill the perscription
what is it sizzle?
Honestly there are too many scams out there in regards to online pharmacies. I’d strongly suggest that you purchase generic medicines from a well know reputable online pharmacy like CVS. There’s no clear way of determining if they are legit, and that you won’t get fake drugs (which has happened).
i got what you need
Honestly there are too many scams out there in regards to online pharmacies. I’d strongly suggest that you purchase generic medicines from a well know reputable online pharmacy like CVS. There’s no clear way of determining if they are legit, and that you won’t get fake drugs (which has happened).
Try this http://www.Online-discount-pharmacy1.com , very reliable, fast shipment too. Good luck
Just be ready to get fake medications. There are many of them and they are less than harmless. They look real and contain things that make them look real. These items are not good. Sometimes they are floor wax, street paint or other medications that are cheaper. You will get them cheaper, but they are not mediation and worse than a sugar pill. Any doctor that operates on line may not be a real doctor. If you cannot afford medications there are programs for people who cannot afford them. I have a post about it on my questions.Here is some real infohttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Asat6q.Sw6SdQHpM0oV4QB3sy6IX?qid=20060904155821AAdEF0IPS the one posted by Traffic seems to be fake they do not use prescriptions you just have to answer questions. They have a doctor look it over they say. I looked a it previously. Real pharmacies do not do this. I have seen this post on here a bunch of times. I am beginning to think someone is advertising it on here.Use a real pharmacy and do not be affraid to admit you have a problem or you will have to admit you have purchased fake meds on the net when you have to go to the hospital for some odd problem from the meds anyway. Why not just get real meds in the 1st place. Doctors are used to hearing about all kinds of things. Do not be embarassed if you are having sexual problems or depression or anything. Your doctor has heard all of this 100s of times before. So has your pharmacist we cannot be shocked. We could care less about what we are filling for you all we care is that you get the right medication, do not have interactions and have your questions answered. We are not there to judge you just to help you.
I am a pharmacist.