Community College Website Exploited to Send Internet Users to Junk Pharmacy Website Hosted in Russia

The original documentation is open to visitors at with a resolution of 900 x 675 pixels. We have implemented a decisive measure to make sure that Windows users can also watch our QuickTime documentation videos. A junk comment circulated by a spam terrorist several hours ago implies that Seward County Community College’s website has… Continue reading Community College Website Exploited to Send Internet Users to Junk Pharmacy Website Hosted in Russia

YouTube Hit by Online Pharmacy Spam

The original documentation video is presented at with a resolution of 900 x 675 pixels. TOKYO (MacHouse) – More than a year ago, YouTube was badly exploited by spam terrorists. It was flooded with spam comments to advertise Brazilian sex websites and others. Since YouTube took a decisive measure, the website has been pretty… Continue reading YouTube Hit by Online Pharmacy Spam

Viagra is everywhere! – Is Viagra Supported by Every…

Viagra is everywhere! – Is Viagra Supported by Every American College Website? The original video is presented at with a resolution of 900 x 675 pixels. My wife has several friends from out of space. She is now convinced that roughly one out of four American people are out of space. Well, I don’t… Continue reading Viagra is everywhere! – Is Viagra Supported by Every…