Are online pharmacies a cheaper, safe alternative for filling my prescriptions? Or are they scams?

Paying for my medication is a significant cost for me because my prescriptions aren’t covered through my job. Trying to see if there are any out there alternatives to save money. Thanks.
Please, I’m looking for facts, not people’s opinions about whether it is a good idea to do. If you haven’t ordered medication online, or if you don’t know someone who has, then please don’t answer this question. I have asked this question a few times and all I seem to get is lectures about how it’s a bad idea.
Also, I don’t live in the US, so FDA anything related to the FDA doesn’t apply to me.

420? we know what prescriptions your looking for!

If you have a real prescription from a real doctor in the USA, then yes, some online pharmacies are a good deal.

If you are considering to order scripts that are coming form out of the country….. you may as well call the DEA and tell them to lock you up.

have you buddy keep stealing his moms xanax. you probably willnt goto jail that way.


  1. They might not be scams, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll be getting a drug that is safe either. The FDA can be an obvoius pain in the arse, but they exist for a good reason, you know?
    I don’t know if this helps you or not, but Montel Williams promotes some kind of company that will help or pay for entirely- keep an eye out for it? Something PPA maybe?

  2. 420? we know what prescriptions your looking for!If you have a real prescription from a real doctor in the USA, then yes, some online pharmacies are a good deal.If you are considering to order scripts that are coming form out of the country….. you may as well call the DEA and tell them to lock you up.have you buddy keep stealing his moms xanax. you probably willnt goto jail that way.

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